Hieu C. Chu

hieucchu@gmail.com | (+61) 416731359 | LinkedIn


React Ecommerce

Jun 2020 - Jul 2020

A mobile-responsive ecommerce app built using Typescript React, Redux, Firebase and styling done via Sass. Support Email/Password + Google Sign-In. Add items to shopping cart and checkout securely via Stripe.


UOW Sculptures Admin Dashboard

Jul 2019 – Nov 2019

A multi-functional and comprehensive admin dashboard for UOWAC staff to manage data for the UOW Sculptures mobile app. The app was built using Next.js (SSR React), Ant Design and styled-components for frontend; Typescript Node.js, PostgreSQL, Auth0 (authentication) and AWS S3 (cloud storage) for backend.

Please use this credential to login:
Email: uowac-admin@gmail.com
Password: uowsculptures


Roadside Assistance Application

Mar 2019 – Jun 2019

Uber-like application for roadside assistance service, using React with Material-UI for frontend, and Typescript Node.js (Nest framework) with PostgreSQL for backend.


Event Booking System

Mar 2018 – Jun 2018

A web application that simulates an event booking system for my university, using Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB. Staff accounts can create and manage events while student accounts are able to view upcoming events, book an event and proceed to checkout.

Register for a staff account to access all features above.

URL Shortener Microservice

Mar 2018

Enter your URL and get a shortened link that redirects to original page (use MongoDB to store randomly generated links). Functionally similar to Google URL Shortener.


Jan 2018

Single Page App that compares GitHub stats and show popular repos on GitHub (language based) using React and React Router.


Local Weather App

Sep 2017

A simple web app that shows the weather based on your current location using DarkSky Weather API.
